Couples Bucket List | The Ultimate Tool for Marriage

Create a bucket list with your spouse to include adventures, plans, goals, and realistic items. Create a happier and healthier marriage using this ultimate tool for married couples to communicate, plan, and coordinate.


Before getting to the couples bucket list, I have to tell you this story. Trust me, it’s important to the post! This week my son went over to his friends house, a few houses down from ours on our dirt road. He hadn’t made his way back by the time I had finished dinner, so I made my way over to get him.

As I walked through their yard up to their house, I noticed how beautiful and green their grass was! Now, we live in a whole “dirt road community”. We have dirt roads off of dirt roads, and our soil is just sand and clay. After a few dry days in our area, the ground loses all moisture and the grass just burns up and dies. There are a couple houses that can keep their grass looking nice, but these peoples grass was extraordinarily nice for our area!

I knocked on the door, and went in to get my son. He was finishing up his activity with his friend, and I was talking to the parents. I asked “how do you keep your grass so green and nice?”. The dad replied with a heavy sigh “A LOT of hard work”. I determined at this point that I wasn’t going to get any pointers or tips, so I nodded and left it there.

Just me thinking…

Now… if you know me, you know that I entirely overthink everything! I looked at my golden fields of death in my front and side yards. I decided, maybe if I mow it, it will look a little better. Then I realized, I had always heard the saying “the grass is always greener on the other side”. I had always heard this used as an expression of saying something always looks better from where you stand, even though it may not be.

But… this time, I thought about it differently. Their grass was clearly greener, but I don’t know what they went through to get it there. I don’t know how much work, money or time they put into their lawn. I am not aware if they have a routine they spend time on every single day. Maybe they had to completely re-do their soil and replace it.

The point is, the grass may look greener on the other side, but you don’t know what people went through to get their green grass. You have to put in the work for your green grass.

Putting It All Together

Now, how does this have anything to do with a couples bucket list? Well… this expression is used for marriage quite frequently. The grass always looks greener on the other side. Some couples seem happier. Also, some couples seem to have more adventures, some couples seem to have nicer things or more time. All these things are a “grass is greener” situation. So, how do you make your grass green in your marriage? YOU PUT IN THE WORK. It’s up to your and your spouse to put in the work to make your grass green, instead of being envious of other peoples green grass. This is where the bucket list comes into play.

create a couples bucket list to keep the spark in your marriage
keep you marriage alive by setting goals, plans and adventures
You don’t need anything special. Just use a blank piece of paper or notebook and a pen, and start making your list.

If you want to use something outside of just a notebook and pen, you can find bucket list journals like this one Blank Bucket List Journal. Or find many other ideas here: Bucket List Books.

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Couples Bucket List

Let me start by saying, when I am talking about a bucket list, this doesn’t have to be a list of extraordinary adventures that you and your spouse want to do (although that’s not a bad idea either). We created a 12 month bucket list with our ideas, plans, goals and adventures that we want to try and accomplish in the next 12 months. Sometimes, when you have kids, are working, running a household and just generally managing life, it’s not easy to make a list of things you know you won’t get to for quite a long time!

Currently, where we are in life, it’s a lot easier to look at what our ambitions are for the next 12 months. If we only looked at the larger picture items we want to accomplish in life, we may be striving for things that feel entirely unachievable.

The point of this is to build with each other. Studies have shown that creating goals and planning adventures with each other is important in keeping the spark alive in your marriage. Setting goals and having adventures leads to a happier and healthier marriage. Marriage, especially with kids, can become monotonous. Creating and planning adventures and goals can help to move away from these ruts!

Below is our 12 month bucket list specified to our marriage and our goals. Use this for examples and ideas, but make sure to create your own! I go over tips to do this below.

create a couples bucket list to keep the spark in your marriage
keep you marriage alive by setting goals, plans and adventures

How To Create A Couples Bucket List

Make sure you are working together to complete this list. Working together is the most important part of this activity. Don’t downgrade each others ideas. Encourage each other, and be honest about what you want out of your lives. As you can see from our list above, this doesn’t have to be all about activities or adventures. Use this for activities, plans, encouragements, goals, projects, really anything you want to accomplish.

  • When creating your couples bucket list, you will want to determine the timeframe you are looking at. What timeframe works for you and your spouse? We determined 12 months was appropriate because with young kids our lives and situation are constantly changing.
  • Use goals do you want to achieve together
  • Think of projects do you want to complete in that timeframe
  • Create or add activities you want to do together
  • What do you want more of in your marriage?
  • Are there any trips you want to take together?
  • Do you have hobbies you would like to start or try together?
  • Make sure the items added to your list make you feel happy or excited
  • Make some items very realistic, and others harder to achieve

Outside of creating your list, the next most important thing is to actually use it. What I mean is, you need to use your couples bucket list and accomplish tasks off of it. Continue talking and making plans to achieve the items on your list. Figure out how to work towards these items together.


This couples bucket list can be the ultimate tool for your marriage if you use it properly. If you work together and are truly open and honest about what you want. It’s so important to manage your marriage and always continue working towards a happy, healthy marriage. In order to do that, you need to stop worrying about other couples green grass, and start working hard towards your own.

I hope I have provided some great ideas to get you and your spouse started on your couples bucket list. I wish you fun in creating this, and many adventures in your future!

Please comment how you used this couples bucket list idea, and maybe share some of the ideas you had!

Take a look at other posts under my Marriage page, such as “Fill Her Fuel Tank“.

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  1. […] This weekend my husband and I created a 12 month couples bucket list that includes our plans, goals, and adventures that we will strive for in the next 12 months. You can read more about it here: Couples Bucket List | The Ultimate Tool for Marriage. […]

  2. A couples bucket list is such a great idea. My fella and I have been together 17 years this month and I think this is something we should do.

  3. This is a great idea. I guess in a way, we have a mental one. There are definitely things we talk about doing and try to get a few done before too much time passes. Actually, next month we’re going to take a long weekend trip and knock one of them off our list.

    1. That’s awesome! We have had a somewhat mental list as well, but it has so much more impact when we see it written out on paper. I hope you have so much fun on your trip.

  4. In our house I mostly just plan thing and my husband goes along for the ride! LOL He’s not one for planning but it usually up for anything.

    1. That’s awesome, thanks for giving me a laugh! It’s great that works for you guys! My husband is typically up for most of my weird ideas and adventures, but sometimes he is skeptical.

  5. Great thoughts and ideas! If it doesn’t get planned, more than likely it won’t happen!

    1. I’m glad you enjoyed the post! It’s always much more impactful when it’s planned or written down! Thank you for stopping by! 🙂

  6. I love this idea of a couples bucket list. I am going to have to make one with my husband #MMBC

    1. Thank you! Please feel free to share any great ideas you guys come up with!

  7. […] – How to Choose the Perfect Vacation Destination for You  Perfectly Imperfect –  Couples Bucket List: The Ultimate Tool for Marriage     Fat Dad Foodie – Frozen Banana Caramel  Pie  Homeschool of 1 – Free 4th of July […]

  8. Thank you, you have definitely given me food for thought and I will grab five minutes with my husband and work on a bucket list. I think sometimes just the simple things are the ones that we can enjoy the most. I remember we used to go to breakfast at a café every Saturday, we could start doing something like that again, I do miss it. Thank you for the inspiration.

    1. That is wonderful, I hope you do! We had a lot of fun and discussion creating ours. Let me know how it goes! 🙂

  9. […] Couples Bucket List | The Ultimate Tool for Marriage […]

  10. What a great idea! I’ve never made a bucket list. . . but maybe now is the time to start!

    Thanks so much for joining the Grace at Home party at Imparting Grace. I’m featuring you this week!

    1. We had a lot of fun making ours, plus it’s a good way to keep ourselves accountable to continued growth! 🙂 Thank you for the feature, that is so exciting!

  11. […] one of my latest posts I talked about creating a bucket list with your partner. My husband and I created a 12 month bucket list, because it is more realistic for us at this time. […]

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