Sometimes being Mom means losing yourself, or forgetting the things YOU loved…

When you become Mom, you become a different version of yourself. You become a version of yourself that puts these tiny humans over yourself EVERY TIME. Sometimes, you become a version of yourself that you don’t recognize, because you may have lost yourself along the way.
Life gets busy after you have kids. There isn’t as much time to think about yourself, your wants, and your needs. One way I have noticed this most is changing styles. You all know what Mom style is right? It might be a little different for everyone, but it screams overwhelmed, exhausted, and chaos. Most commonly, this is recognized as leggings, a baggy shirt or sweatshirt, a messy bun, and likely a headband.
Does that sound familiar?
It sounds oh too familiar to me. And although this style is so super comfortable, easy and convenient. Is it you?
Is this what you feel confident in? Does this style make you feel happy or good about yourself?
Don’t get me wrong, I don’t plan on changing my comfy mom style any time soon, it’s too convenient for having little kids. On the other hand, I wanted to talk about regaining our identity.
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Regain Your Identity
Our style wasn’t the only thing we lost when we had kids. We might have lost some hobbies, time, energy, physique, money, a little bit of our sanity, and maybe even some good friends. It seems like post-partum depression is so common for so many women. WELL I WONDER WHY??? We magically just gave up everything we remembered being, to spend all our time and energy completely focused on someone besides ourselves.
Now I love my kids, and I wouldn’t ever think differently. But, who says that we can’t be ourselves, and a good mom? What rule or guide says that you have to feel like crud about yourself to be a good mom? NOT ONE! Actually, you may find a lot more information regarding how loving yourself can lead to you being a happier and more involved mom. So love yourself!

Dress up in something beautiful that you feel great in!
Put on makeup just because you want to smile about it!
Pick up a hobby and give yourself the time to do it!
Connect with your friends, or make new mom friends that understand how hard it can be to make time!
Wake up in the morning and tell yourself you are beautiful in the mirror! Because you are!
Take your identity back, and find yourself again! Learn to love yourself in this new role that you play, not only for yourself, but for your kids and your family.
Don’t lose yourself to motherhood. Find yourself, and LOVE YOURSELF, so that you can be the best YOU and the best MOM that you can be!
Please share this as a reminder to all your mom friends.
If you are looking for a good book on this topic, you need: You Are A Badass Mom A Guide to Take your Life Love and Parenting to the Next Level
What do you do to gain your identity back and love yourself?
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