Meal Plan Monday 10/23/23 | Easy Menu Ideas and Recipe Share

Find my family’s weekly meal plan ideas here, and share your own in the comments!

Take the guess work and stress out of the never ending question “WHAT’S FOR DINNER?”. Each week you will find my weekly meal plan Monday. This isn’t meant to provide extravagant recipes, the point is to provide ideas for dinner to your and your family. Also, to share your ideas with everyone else. Add in your meal ideas or recipes to the comments!

What you can expect:

  • Find weekly meal ideas
  • Share weekly meal ideas
  • Find recipes or products I use for meals
  • Share recipes with others
  • Swap and share ideas and recipes in the comments

If I have a recipe posted for my meal, or certain products that I use, I will share them below the meal plan image under Meal Plan Monday Recipes/Products.

You can find all previous Meal Plan Monday Posts here.

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Meal Plan Monday Recipes/Products

Beef Stroganoff

My dad taught me so many different ways to cook, half way recipes that really consisted of “a pinch of this, a dash of that” methodology. One dish he never taught me was his beef stroganoff, so I have been searching for a recipe that comes close for quite a while now. Below is the closest I have found, but I will continue tweaking different strategies until I can make it just right!

Beef Stroganoff Recipe Here!


This is my absolute favorite meatloaf recipe by Spend with Pennies! It’s not dry or crumbly. It’s just perfect, and my kids love it too!

Cheese Baguette

These little cheesy bread bites are the perfect side for any soup or pasta. It’s my favorite way to have bread with a dish, I would actually take these over garlic bread any day! My mom first introduced me to making these, and I am obsessed! I will probably make a recipe for these eventually, but it’s easy enough that I will just describe it here.

Cut a French baguette into about 1/2″ thick pieces. Cut Asiago cheese into very thin strips about the length of the baguette pieces. Place the cheese on top of the bread pieces on a sheet pan, brush with olive oil, sprinkle with fresh ground salt and fresh cracked pepper. Bake at 425° for about 10 minutes, or until the cheese is melted and bubbly.

Roasted Vegetables

Roasted vegetables is one of my families favorites. The flavor it brings out is amazing! For our roasted broccoli or carrots just toss them in a bag or bowl with some olive oil and fresh cracked pepper and Himalayan salt. Add some garlic powder to the broccoli, it turns out really good that way. Roast on a sprayed non stick sheet pan at 425° for about 20-25 minutes.

Little Smokies

Little smokies are a wonderful pot luck dish because they cook and keep warm in a crock pot. They are perfect for a cold fall potluck like the trunk or treat we are attending this weekend.

Use a 28oz package of little smokies (mini smoked sausages). Put them in a crock pot with one 18oz jar of grape jelly and one 12oz jar of chili sauce. Cook on high for about 4 hours or until little smokies are heated through. Don’t cook them too long or they will start to pop open.

Don’t forget to add your meal ideas, recipes, products, or inspiration to the comments!

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  1. That cheese baguette sounds delicious! We had homemade chicken soup with fresh bread last night and tonight we’re making baked potatoes filled with pulled pork, cheese, and sour cream with a side salad.

    1. It is so delicious! Super easy to make, you should give it a try. The baked potatoes with pulled pork sound fabulous! This is a great idea for my leftover frozen pulled pork I haven’t used up. 🙂

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