Moments From a Tired Mom | When Considering Having Kids…

Are you a parent, or considering having kids? This one is for you.

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This one is for the parents, or those who are considering becoming one.

Let me tell you about my average day today, maybe to make you feel a little better about yours.

Keep in mind, my husband and I have both been sick, and are just exhausted after a long week of illness.

moments from a tired mom
what to consider when having kids
when considering having kids

It all started with my sons wrestling meet this morning. The event was 1.5 hours away, so we were up super early to make it on time. I turn on the light and realize we are in the middle of hard snow downfall and the roads are thickly covered with no snow plows in sight. We head out, knowing it was going to be a slow drive. We had been out of the house for almost 30 minutes when I realized I had forgotten the snacks I was supposed to bring for the snack table.

We turned around, and now we were even more short on time! Half way to the event, I felt like my car was leaning to one side. I kept telling myself it was in my head, it was the crown of the road, but shortly after my son said “why am I leaning to the right?”. That’s when I knew, my tire was very low if not flat. I find the first exit with a gas station and pull over to check and fill my tire.

We finally make it to the wrestling event, and walk in AS THEY ARE STARTING THE NATIONAL ANTHEM. I don’t know if we could have been any more, “just on time”, than we were.

It had been a stressful, worrisome and overwhelming morning, but now it was time to unwind and focus on wrestling. My son took 2nd place today, it was amazing! He worked so hard, and I was so proud.

We head back home, thinking the rest of the day will be smooth riding. The roads were plowed, it was getting warmer and the snow was clearing.

Once we get home, the remainder of our downward spiral started with our anxiety ridden dog catching a rabbit in our yard. She tore that rabbit apart by the time I saw her out the window. She had consumed quite a bit already before we got out there and got her into the garage. We disposed of the rabbit and moved on with our day.

I decided to make a shake for myself, I have these vitamin shakes and I was hoping it would help make me feel a little better. I put the milk and shake packet into a shaker bottle, went to shake it, and the lid popped open shaking vanilla powder and milk all over my freshly washed hair (which isn’t an every day thing for me currently), my face, my sweatshirt, the floor and the counters. As I finished cleaning up this mess, to the best of my ability without taking a shower, my daughter comes over and hugs me saying “it’s fine mama, it’s fine”.

My husband went outside to find out what was making my tire leak, and to patch it up. Meanwhile, my two year old was throwing tantrums over absolutely everything. She was laying on the floor having a tantrum about not being able to bring her poptart into her brothers room, when my son came out, saw the poptart, and naturally he wanted one as well.

I opened a package of poptarts for him, and went back to the housework. My husband and I were talking, the kids playing in my sons room and coming out into the kitchen where we were. I look over and I see poptart strewn across the kitchen table, crumbled into tiny pieces. Then I see my daughters water bottle knocked over, leaking water all over the floor. I call them out there to get it all cleaned up, and…. tantrum.

We finally get all this taken care of, and then my son wants water. He fills his cup up with ice, but then drops ice all over the floor. The dogs go crazy, trying to get the ice cubes, while my daughter fights over the ice with the dogs. Trying to get this situation taken care of, my son has now overfilled his water cup and its pouring from the fridge all over the floor. I tell him to pull the cup away, and he continues filling it. He finally pulls the cup away, and then starts tipping it, pouring water out. My daughter runs over for an ice cube and sticks her head right under the cup!

Now she is soaking wet, and the floor is covered with water. I have my son clean up the spilled water, and then my daughter has found a marble. My son wants a marble too, but we don’t have another marble. My husband tells him to find another ball. This of course turned into a large, highly bounceable ball that he’s now throwing all over the kitchen. My anxiety ridden dog is going nuts, trying to bite the ball, which will turn out badly! My husband suggests putting the dogs on the deck… great idea! I let them out the slider so the kids can play.

Next thing I know both of them have large bouncy balls that they are throwing and kicking all over the counters, walls, at pictures, the ceiling. I try to re-direct them, and start talking about other things to do. My son remembers he made crafts with Mimi yesterday, and wants me to open my present. We cannot find the present that he made for me. We are searching all over, looking in bags. I am trying to figure out which crafts were for who, and which was mine, and my daughter pulls out a beaded candy cane ornament he made and pulled just right so all the beads came unraveled and spill all over the floor.

At this point, my patience is unraveling as well. My husband picks up the beads but won’t give them to my daughter, so…. TANTRUM. She’s screaming and crying, so I re-direct! Let’s go check our advent calendar and see what is in it for the day!!

Yay! Exciting! We head over the advent calendar. They get their candy and I tell them to take it out to the dining room table. Meanwhile, my husband has let the dogs in from the deck, and has let them outside… again… Well the dog that caught the rabbit ended up puking up rabbit guts all down our carpeted stairs. My husband asks… is that puke? Granted, it did kind of look questionable as it didn’t really look like puke.

I go down to investigate, and here comes my daughter… wanting to see. My husband picks her up and moves her away from the stairs… TANTRUM.

I ask my husband to get the carpet cleaner so I can get this taken care of. I get down on my hands and knees to start spraying and the smell was horrendous! I gag (keeping in mind I am still not 100% and a little nauseas still), and say “THIS SMELLS TERRIBLE”, and in response my daughter says “SURPRISE!!!!!”. I’m spraying and scrubbing, spraying and scrubbing, and it’s taking forever to get this cleaned up! I tell my husband, “get the garbage ready to be taken out and we can just put this paper towel in there and take it out”. As I am scrubbing, I hear my husband say “alright come on, are you ready? You can do this!”. I look up and see my husband… GIVING THE GARBAGE A PEP TALK TO GO OUTSIDE.

Through this all, I am laughing, and crying, and I’m unsure if I’m crying because I’m laughing or if I’m crying because I’m crying.

The rest of our night was the regular arguments about eating dinner, getting ready for bed, and actually going to bed.

I just have to say, today could have been terrible. Sometimes it’s so easy for everything to compound and spiral into frustration, anger, and overwhelm. Instead… I laughed. My husband and I laughed so hard today. I’m sure I missed a thousand little things that just added sugar to the top of the circus that was our day… but we laughed.

I hope this helps you to laugh about your day too, and is a reminder that we are all going through it together.

You’ve got this!

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  1. Hope things it better. Kind of reminds me when my kiddos were small.

    1. Thanks! Things aren’t bad, it was just a crazy day! I just like to share because no parent is perfect, and having kids can be hard in so many different ways! 🙂

  2. Oh my you sure did have some day there. Lifting you up in prayer today my friend.
    Visiting you today from Unlimited Linky 141 #14

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