Moments From a Tired Mom: Tidying for 30 Minutes Daily.

Moments from a tired mom: Why do I tidy for 30 minutes daily?


I have been thinking a lot about productivity lately, so this moments from a tired mom is about productivity and why moms don’t feel it. If you have children, you already know, even if you are productive all day it still feels like you have accomplished nothing (well most of the time). It can be hard to watch all the work you did quickly get undone by a couple chaotic monsters. Sometimes I feel like I should do better. Sometimes I feel like I don’t do enough. Sometimes I just want to throw a tantrum like my 2 year old, and do nothing at all!

Either way, there has to be a compromise, right? I think one of the main problems is mom guilt. Mom guilt is a real thing, and this real thing is shameless. It takes over our minds, our energy, and our happiness. Don’t let mom guilt take you over!

Taking Control of Mom Guilt

You need to take control of your mom guilt, before it controls you. If you spent your day cleaning, you didn’t get to spend time with your children: MOM GUILT. If you spend your day with your kids, but your house is now a disaster: MOM GUILT. If you take a minute to yourself, and you don’t get housework done or spend time with your kids: MOM GUILT. If you watch TV at night instead of picking up after the days events: MOM GUILT. Take control of your mom guilt by creating built-in compromises that work for you and your family.


Creating compromises is not easy.  This is a habit that you need to create, and it needs to work for you and your family.  THIS… is why I tidy my house for 30 minutes every day.  Sure, I clean more than that when I have time.  I pick up, and I make sure things don’t get out of hand, but I do this in a timeframe that works for me.  I spend 30 minutes a day tidying my house, so that I can still spend time with my kids and not feel guilty in some way.

In 30 minutes I can load and unload the dishwasher.  I can fold a load of laundry or more.  I can wipe down the counters and tables, and sweep the floor.  30 minutes doesn’t seem like a lot, but you can get a lot done if you devote the time.  If I get more than 30 minutes, GREAT!  If I don’t, that’s okay too.  Spend time with your family, make memories, create moments together.  That dirty handprint on the floor, the load of laundry, that messy closet, they will all be there when you have a moment to get to them.


This one is simple. I tidy for 30 minutes every day so that I can be at peace. I tidy 30 minutes every day so that I can still keep up. I tidy 30 minutes every day so that my kids can still be my priority. I tidy 30 minutes every day for my family.

What do you do to fight off mom guilt? Open discussion in the comments below!

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