Find my family’s weekly meal plan ideas here, and share your own in the comments!
Take the guess work and stress out of the never ending question “WHAT’S FOR DINNER?”. Each week you will find my weekly meal plan Monday. This isn’t meant to provide extravagant recipes, the point is to provide ideas for dinner to your and your family. Also, to share your ideas with everyone else. Add in your meal ideas or recipes to the comments!
What you can expect:
- Find weekly meal ideas
- Share weekly meal ideas
- Find recipes or products I use for meals
- Share recipes with others
- Swap and share ideas and recipes in the comments
If I have a recipe posted for my meal, or certain products that I use, I will share them below the meal plan image under Meal Plan Monday Recipes/Products.

Some links in this article may be affiliate links. This does not affect the cost to you, but may provide commission for items purchased.
- 15 Best Snow Day Activities to Keep Your Kids Busy
- Moments From a Tired Mom | Weird Things About Parenting
- Meal Plan Monday 3/25/24 | Easy Menu Ideas and Recipe Share
- The Best Sweet Thai Chili Chicken with Scallion Rice
- Meal Plan Monday 3/18/24 | Easy Menu Ideas and Recipe Share
Meal Plan Monday Recipes/Products
My recipe for white chicken chili is coming soon, be sure to follow my blog so you don’t miss it!
This week we have leftover stuff for Philly Cheese Steaks so we are making them again. I’ll post a recipe for these soon too. Side note… I wish I had more time to create the recipes I would love to share with you all!
I have been wanting to make my own quiche for a while now, but I haven’t tried before so I think it’s become intimidating. At Sam’s Club on Friday they were handing out food samples. I had to try their quiche they had for samples and I got sucked in! So… I ended up getting the variety pack, they were super good for a quick and easy throw in the oven meal!

Roasted broccoli, maybe I will do a recipe for this, but it’s super simple! Use fresh or thawed frozen broccoli, put it in a Ziploc bag with a large drizzle of olive oil, salt and pepper to taste, add in a little garlic powder. Shake it all together and spread out the broccoli onto a sprayed baking sheet. Bake at 425° for about 20 – 25 minutes or until the bottoms start to crisp a little.
Get the french toast recipe here.
Get the recipe for grilled greek chicken pitas here.
Get the recipe for crispy ranch pork chops here.
Get the recipe for green beans and bacon here.
Don’t forget to add your meal ideas, recipes, products, or inspiration to the comments!
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Don’t forget to follow me on social media for the most current information, advice, ideas, topics, and recipes!
I love meal plans, thanks so much for sharing ❤️
You’re very welcome! I hope I have inspired some meal ideas for you. 🙂
I have been meal planning that long that I can’t imagine not doing it now.
It sounds like you have a tasty week of meals planned. I love the sound of Friday’s meal. Yum! Yum! x
Thanks so much!! I am really excited about Friday.
Those pork chops look delicious and so do the chicken pitas!
They are so wonderful! I hope you give them a try some time. 🙂
We need to plan our meals but I don’t enjoy cooking. Hubby loves to cook. Planning would make it a lot easier though. Thanks so much for linking up at the #UnlimitedLinkParty 131.
I love to cook, but I used to love it more before I had kids. I find meal planning makes it easier to cook throughout the week, and easier to avoid unplanned take out days.
Even at 16, 17, & 19 I often have a slightly different meal plan for the “kids” too when I know they wont want to eat what we’re planning. This week we planned our meals around the stove top and crock pot since my oven is kaput and they should all be happy with tacos, burgers, and soups.
I try to make only one meal, but I definitely agree. There are somethings we just know the kids won’t eat. Lol!